I saw a meme today that really made me think :
There are three kinds of people you meet in life:
1) Those that help you and hold you up during difficult times-
3) Those that cause you to have difficult times.
Number 1- I was soul searching and I am pretty good at being the kind of person that holds up others.
For number 2 - I only abandon others during difficult times if they are hurting me with their issues. This is usually in the form of distancing. I don't like drama. In fact, if someone treats me badly, usually allow them to treat me pretty bad, but then I and move on without confronting them.
As for situation 3 - as far as I can recall, I have never intentionally caused anyone to have a difficult time. I have been accused several times of doing things I did not actually do. It was very hurtful.
I hope I am being honest with myself. Self assessment is always good for mental health only if you are honest with yourself.
I used to make screen print art pieces about my ordeal of going though an Eastern Equine Encephalitis infection, which caused me to lie in bed soul searching for 18 months back in 1999. Last month, I removed all art about that ordeal from my house except one piece I have over my china cabinet. I am thinking about putting it up, too. I need to move on away from it because I let it take over my emotional life way too long. GOODBYE EEE!
EEE art:
The nine square is at The Tangipahoa Parish Mosquito Abatement office in Hammond La.
The mosquito was printed on acetate and cut out and handed by hundreds as favors at my art show "Of Clay and Print" 2003 Hammond Regional Arts Center, Hammond, Louisiana.
The third, part of an installation piece at the show "Of Clay and Print" 2003, was dismantled by me as a mental exercise of letting go. It was huge and this photo does not show how big it really was.